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What I bring to the table?

In vitro assays

Test Tubes

Testing the potential novel therapeutics for safety and efficacy

In vitro ion channels screen: hERG assay

In vivo models


Testing the potential therapeutics in animal models

Pharmacological and safety screening of novel potential therapeutics in various
animal models (e.g. Morris water maze, T-maze, etc)

Patch-Clamp/ Slice electrophysiology

eNGC and SBCs_Paired recordings (1).jpeg

Electrophysiological analysis

Whole-cell current clamp and voltage-clamp recordings to measure several electrophysiological and biophysical properties of the neuronal membrane and circuit interrogations.

Single cell RNA sequencing

R graphs

Next generation sequencing methods

Hands-on experience with single-cell transcriptomics techniques such as 10X,
PatchSeq and a basic understanding of related data analysis.

Virus injections/ Surgeries/biposies


Surgical procedures and stereotaxic injections

Removal of different brain regions (hippocampus, cerebellum, cortex) for metabolomic/lipidomic analysis, extraction of other organs for IHC and WB. Stereotaxic injection of viruses and surgical implantation of micro prism for two-photon microscopy experiments.

Immunohistochemistry/ Fluorescence microscopy


Imaging techniques

Various microscopy techniques. Familiar with the use of Confocal microscope. Hands-on experience with use of analysis software such as Imaris and Image J

Primary culture


Primary culture: Brain to heart!

Cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons, cortical neurons, CA1 hippocampal neurons, and cardiac myocytes from embryonic and neonatal mice and rats.

Calcium imaging/Two photon


Neuronal activity using Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators

Micro prism implantation and imaging using 2P microscope.

Skills: Skills
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